Tahitian Dance Master Workshop at the Quai Branly Museum
This master workshop introduced a discovery of Tahitian dance including practice lessons and a mini-conference covering:
- basic techniques,
- dance meaning in Polynesian society,
- the evolution of dance and the influence of colonization on the dance process,
- the process of recording choreography in correlation to spoken language.
Three Two-Hour Sessions:
First Session: Friday June 10th at 18:30
. The two basic movements: tahiri and tatue
. Mini-conference: evolution of dance movement, influence of colonization on the dance process, and dance in Polynesian society
. Questions/Answers
Second Session: Saturday June 11th at 10:30
. Session completely dedicated to dance practice: the contents were determined according to the capabilities of the students
. A few steps and some sequence on music with percussions
Third Session: Sunday June 12th at 10:30
. Dance writing
. In Tahitian dance, movements are linked to language; not only to meaning but also to sonority and energy contained within the words.
. The transition from oral to written dance has corrupted the link between dance movements and words
. A short text covering the four elements of water, fire, earth, and air that taught students how to create dance choreography
Je serai accompagnée de trois percussionnistes (tari parau, toere, faakete).
- Jean Pascal Liault Toere
- Pierre / Tuki Utia Faakete
- Rogo Arakino Pahu