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How does Te Tuamarama work?

How does Te Tuamarama work?

Conditions to become a member

Dance Tradition Transfer:

  • Dance must be taught using the same principles in which I was instructed. These are the same methods that I have been teaching since 1994. Members must therefore have either taken an initial training course from myself or learned these techniques from another instructor.
  • Instructors are permitted to join the network of Te Tuamarama instructors without first having trained alongside myself permitted they have either graduated from the Conservatoire or received instruction to at least the mid-level 2 curriculum. Having obtained a diploma from the conservatoire is not sufficient enough to enter Te Tuamarama; members must also adhere to its charter.

Teaching Abroad

Ori Tahiti by Joelle. Te Tuamarama. Le fonctionnement (3)

  • Eligible members must be school instructors or otherwise fully engaged in Ori Tahiti instruction.
  • Eligible members must also organize Te Tuamarama workshops on a regular basis. If an organization of dance workshops is not possible, the member must work as an intermediary by buying an affiliated license.
  • Eligible members must purchase the Te Tuamarama license, which is an instructional program that includes warm-up sessions, dance technique, and choreography that must be updated every three months.
  • Further membership conditions will be directly transmitted to Te Tuamarama instructors. Members must follow the teacher’s training and special dance programs for dance teachers.

Three types of affiliation:

  • Te Tuamarama Member: members will be listed as an instructor who has followed the Te Tuamarama training and has purchased the affiliated license.
  • Te Tuamarama Accredited School: to be referenced as a school accredited to Te Tuamarama means that the quality of the school’s teaching methods are certified by our accreditation.
  • Te Tuamarama Representative: schools that have been accredited can also be a Te Tuamarama representative within their own country. They will receive their own webpage inside the Te Tuamarama homepage and are on the Ori Tahiti website. The phrase “no Te Tuamarama,” which means “of Te Tuamarama” will be added to the name of the representative school.

Affiliated Procedures and Special Conditions

Ori Tahiti by Joelle. Te Tuamarama. Le fonctionnement (3)Te Tuamarama members must teach Ori Tahiti according to the principles in which I have taught them. I strongly encourage affiliated members to participate in workshops that are organized by other teachers within their own country. However, affiliated instructors must teach their students in the exact manner in which Ori Tahiti is taught in Te Tuamarama.

Accredited schools must only teach using the Te Tuamarama instructional method.

Te Tuamarama representatives must dedicate a majority of their time to professional dance activities and abide by the members charter.

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