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Workshops in Nagoya November 2013

Workshops in Nagoya November 2013

This time, workshops were organized in Nagoya by Misaki Te Marama in order to prepare for the Heiva of Dance Schools that will take place in Papeete in May 2014.
Since it is a member of Te Tuamarama International Dance School, Te Marama will be able to join this event which is originally reserved to Tahitian dance schools located in Tahiti.

During the week, I worked with Misaki, her assistants and a few of her students very motivated, in a very warm atmosphere.
The workshops on the week-end gathered many students: on Saturday, for the “Enjoy Class”, and on Sunday, for the “Regular Class”.
Misaki has started to work on a solo performance which theme is about « birds ». She will perform on the stage of the Cultural Center of Papeete next year in May.

About 10 people from Te Marama will take part in the Heiva of Dance Schools next year, along with students from Osaka, Chigasaki, Yokohama, Aomori, Kyushu, and Okinawa.

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